#CurrentlyReading: Material Girl, Mystical World

My winter reading list is chock full of authors that I’ve been chomping at the bit to check out, but with a somewhat hectic schedule, being able to sit down and dig into a really good book is sometimes out of reach. What with drumming up business in these slow months or trying to keep on top of my schedule, the Hurricane’s busy schedule or that of the Husbae, carving out time to curl up with a trusty literary companion seems so out of reach that sometimes I want to pull my hair out.

Whelp, thank goodness for Audiobooks and those amazing, wonderful writers that have the wherewithal to translate their books from the written word to the spoken (it makes my life a hell of a lot easier, let me tell you!).

One of those authors just so happens to be the founder of the wonderfully, dizzyingly mystical website The Numinous, Ruby Warrington. The Numinous is chock full of tips and tricks to live your most high-vibe, most mystical life and for a person that is incredibly anxiety prone, this is definitely a breath of fresh air. Her book, however, is a real gem, and is everything that makes the Numinous such a fantastic resource. It’s almost as if she took everything that makes her website fantastic and phenomenal, condensed it (without taking away any of the meat or bones that makes it fun, but raw and real at the same time) and made it into book form.

The other thing that I really appreciate about the book is that it makes no pretense about materialism and how that can connect and breathe and live freely along side a more high-vibe life. Ruby Warrington deftly combines her prior life experience with fashion, the vacations, the fast life, meeting celebrities and what have you with her experiences with mysticism and getting deeper and more in tune with her own spirit and spiritual calling.

It’s fun, it’s sassy and it’s currently the scratch to that annoying itch buzzing in the back of my subconscious. I’ve included a brief excerpt below:

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I strongly urge you to get this book if you need a reset to your daily, hectic life. A reset that doesn’t make you feel guilty if you really, really want to purchase that expensive, designer bag, but you also want to go on the weekend meditative retreat that supposed to align all of your chakras.

You can purchase it on Amazon: hardcover, kindle and audiobook versions are available here, here and here.



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